Willows Pre-School - Early Years Nutrition Partnership

Early Years Nutrition Specialists

What your child eats can greatly affect their mood and ability to concentrate. At Willows Pre-School, we provide balanced, nutritious meals to ensure that your child’s brain and body are fueled for learning and growth. A healthy diet helps reduce inflammation in the body, which is linked to lower stress levels and better emotional health. We are proud to announce that Willows is one of only two pre-schools in the whole of London to be awarded the SPECIALIST Quality Mark by the Early Years Nutrition Partnership, highlighting our commitment to exceptional nutritional standards.

Incorporating Exercise into Everyday Learning

Incorporating Exercise into Everyday Learning

At Willows we try to Incorporate Physical Activity (Exercise) as much as possible, both with planned physical activities and free play. The children are encouraged to do activities that involve all the skills that are desired, depending on their age group.

Our garden is always set up in a way that provides physical challenges continuously and the children either participate in them or choose their own activities that involve a lot of running, climbing, and jumping. We also play a lot of games that involve physical movements combined with other areas of development, such as ‘What’s the time, Mr. Wolf?’, ‘Red Rover’ ‘1-2-3 red light’ or ‘Hopscotch’, that provides the children with the chance to combine Physical Activity, with communication, maths and problem-solving.

Indoors, we also try to incorporate exercise and make part of our daily curriculum. The children often do yoga or small dancing activities that help them use their energy in fun ways that calm them down. In our preschool room, the children combine their numbers and letters learning with physical exercise, by jumping to the symbols they are asked to, or throwing softballs i.e., in the hook with the number 3 in it.

We also give the children the opportunity to go on trips as often as possible. Then, we always try to find an open space where we can play games that involve running or a playground, where the children will have the chance to climb, jump, squat, freely explore their movements, and challenge themselves.

Recognizing how important for their development Physical Exercise is, we will keep trying our best to provide our children with opportunities to be active and have fun while learning.