Willows Pre-School - Early Years Nutrition Partnership

Early Years Nutrition Specialists

What your child eats can greatly affect their mood and ability to concentrate. At Willows Pre-School, we provide balanced, nutritious meals to ensure that your child’s brain and body are fueled for learning and growth. A healthy diet helps reduce inflammation in the body, which is linked to lower stress levels and better emotional health. We are proud to announce that Willows is one of only two pre-schools in the whole of London to be awarded the SPECIALIST Quality Mark by the Early Years Nutrition Partnership, highlighting our commitment to exceptional nutritional standards.

Fatty Acids

Fatty Acids

The Essential Guide to Fatty Acids: Omega-3, Omega-6, and Omega-9 Explained

Fatty acids are crucial building blocks in our bodies, playing vital roles in everything from brain function to heart health. But with terms like omega-3, omega-6, and omega-9 floating around, it can be confusing to understand which ones we need and where to find them. Here’s a breakdown to help you navigate the world of fatty acids:

Essential vs. Non-Essential Fatty Acids:

  • Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs): Our bodies can’t produce these on their own, so we must obtain them from our diet. Omega-3 and omega-6 are the two main types of EFAs, each with specific benefits.
  • Non-Essential Fatty Acids: Our bodies can synthesize these internally, but consuming them through food can still be beneficial. Omega-9 falls under this category.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids:

  • Benefits: Omega-3s are superstars for brain development, eye health, and reducing inflammation. They may also help manage symptoms of ADHD and contribute to a healthy heart.
  • Sources: Fatty fish (salmon, tuna, mackerel), flaxseeds, chia seeds, walnuts.

Omega-6 Fatty Acids:

  • Benefits: Omega-6s play a role in brain function, skin health, and regulating inflammation. However, maintaining a balanced intake with omega-3s is crucial.
  • Sources: Plant oils (sunflower, soybean, corn), nuts, seeds, poultry.

Omega-9 Fatty Acids:

  • Benefits: While non-essential, omega-9s contribute to heart health by lowering bad cholesterol and may help regulate blood sugar levels.
  • Sources: Olive oil, avocados, almonds, peanuts.

Why it Matters for Our Children:

  • Brainpower Boost: Omega-3s are crucial for optimal brain development and cognitive function in children. Deficiency can lead to learning difficulties and behavioral issues.
  • Healthy Growth: Both omega-3s and omega-6s are essential for a child’s overall growth and development.

Willows Takes Note:

At Willows, we understand the importance of a balanced diet for our children’s well-being. We consider these essential fatty acids when planning menus, ensuring they receive a variety of nutritious foods rich in omega-3s, omega-6s, and omega-9s. This helps them thrive and develop to their full potential!