Fathers Day at Hammersmith Pre-School

Fathers Day at Hammersmith Pre-School

To celebrate Fathers Day, each year we invite the dads and granddads to join us for a stay and play session with their children. We plan a range of activities designed to be done on a one-to-one basis with the child and their parent.

The babies invited their dads to make an owl with them and do some car washing in the garden. The toddlers invited their dads to help them make some Father’s Day picture frames and surprised their dads at the end of the day with an adorable picture of themselves inside. This year, the preschool room planned our activities a little differently.

The children invited their dads to meet them in a local square for a game of football. The children and their dads came together to teach each other some new tricks with the ball and socialise with the other dads from their class. As you can see from the pictures the dads and their children had a wonderful time playing together, so much so the dads did not want to leave after the event! The dads got to take home some beautiful crafts they had created with their children which we are sure take pride of place on the fridge!